Wet’suwet’en clans UNANIMOUSLY reject ALL pipelines

June 18, 2015 – We are proud to announce that the All Clans Meeting, which was hosted by the Office of the Wet’suwet’en, was 100% successful!! Our people UNANIMOUSLY agreed to not accept any pipelines through our lands!! There was apparently a deadline for an application to begin construction for the Coastal Gas Link pipeline project that was due on Friday from the British Columbia Oil & Gas Commission. Also, the work to stop the Enbridge Northern Gateway and the Pacific Trails Pipeline needed to be addressed. The Unist’ot’en Clan was recognized as a leader amongst the other Clans in preserving and adhering to the teachings of the forefathers who fought for and protected our Yintah. There were two people who came to the meeting to clearly disrupt and derail the meeting with a script that was not their own. They shamed themselves into leaving the meeting and then each Clan then broke out on their own to discuss amongst themselves what they foresaw for their own futures. The vision of the ancestors was fulfilled as the membership moved to preserve our lands and culture in the way intended by the creator. Thanks to all who have stood by us since day 1.