Unist’ot’en October Work Camp 2017


Healing Centre nearly complete!


Much progress has been made on the Healing Lodge over the summer. Most of the remaining work is on the interior, so there is lots of work for all skill levels.

With the expected cool weather and being post bug season, this should be a great time to return to the Camp or to experience it for the first time.

We have some good carpentry and plumbing skills as part of the group but there’s room for many more.

Join us at camp to complete the Healing Centre! If you are able to come volunteer, please let us know what days you’ll be coming and whether you need transportation using the registration form here or for returning volunteers, use the short registration form.

A new fundraising site has been set up here to specifically raise construction funds.

If you cannot make it up in person, please contribute to the Fund.

As always, you may donate directly to the camp here.

We look forward to reconnecting with you and working together!