Solidarity Across Turtle Island for Unist’ot’en Camp


With the TransCanada injunction threat looming, several autonomous groups across Turtle Island “North America” have taken recent action to show their solidarity with the Unist’ot’en Camp.


Dec 17, 2018: Supporters dropped a banner in support of Unist’ot’en Camp reading “TransCanada Stay Off Unist’ot’en Land”. Later there was a rally in Yonge-Dundas Square


December 10, 2018: Hundreds protest TransCanada in Toronto in solidarity with Unist’ot’en.



Dec 13, 2018: Council of Canadians disrupt a Bill Morneau talk at an LNG Canada event with @ClimateOttawa.



Dec 17, 2018: Vancouver supporters occupy 3 BC Government offices (BC NDP Cabinet Ministers George Heyman, Shane Simpson, and Melanie Mark) followed by a rally and march.



December 16, 2018: Chase gave a $1.5 billion loan to TransCanada — the corporation that is trying to bulldoze a Unis’to’ten healing center to build a fracked gas pipeline — so 350 Seattle laid a fifty-foot oil pipeline and simulated an oil spill in their regional HQ!


Were there any events or details we missed? Please contact us and let us know if there is something to include!  

Thank you for all the support! Continue to follow our social media for current updates and please donate to the legal fund.