THE TIME IS NOW – TransCanada attempts to enter Unist’ot’en Territory

We need your support.

Yesterday TransCanada tried to enter Unist’ot’en territory to begin work on their Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline. They were respectfully turned away by Johnny Morris of the Gidimt’en Clan. None of the Wet’suwet’en Clans consent to this project, and the hereditary chiefs have been clear that TransCanada does not have permission to build pipelines through our unceded and occupied homelands. (Please share the October 2018 Press Release:  BC and Canada Ignore Wet’suwet’en Title Holders To Push Pipeline Agenda)

Unfortunately, TransCanada has decided that the best time to begin confrontations with the Unist’ot’en is while we are facing an ongoing family crisis. Freda’s partner Smogelgem’s mother is currently in home palliative care. In the past, oil and gas has escalated their efforts to push into our lands when we are enduring family crises. Enbridge and TransCanada’s most aggressive efforts to enter our lands were made when Freda’s brother and father had just passed away.

This encroachment on our territories is not only extremely disrespectful but brazenly illegal. We are the plaintiffs of the Delgamuukw-Gisdaywa Supreme Court Case, and we have proven that we have never given up title to our lands. We are the decision makers on our land. Wet’suwet’en law is our law.




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