This is a photo of our cousin Marten who is about 5’7” holding a Chinook salmon who was on its way to the spawning channels which flow right by the Unist’ot’en Camp. We Wet’suwet’en need these salmon to sustain us far into the future.

Proposed Fracking pipelines are threatening our way of life and our lifelines, which our people depend on to get us through the long cold winter months. The Deterritorialization of our people, Indian Residential Schools, 60’s Scoop, and continuously reduced social programs on the Indian Reservations has forced our people to resort to being 100% dependent on fragile and threatened salmon runs.

This is one of the biggest reasons why we must vigorously fight for our lands and waterways. This is one of the biggest reasons why we will win.


photo and words: Unist’ot’en Camp





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