In this era of “reconciliation”, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint. INVASION is a short film about the Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en Checkpoint, and the larger Wet’suwet’en Nation standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people.
** Feature length film now playing festival circuit! **
Unist’ot’en Camp has been a beacon of resistance for 14 years. It is a healing space for Indigenous people and settlers alike, and an active example of decolonization. The violence, environmental destruction, and disregard for human rights following TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) / Coastal GasLink’s interim injunction has been devastating to bear, but this fight is far from over.
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En esta era de reconciliación, la tierra Indígena todavía se toma a punta de pistola.
INVASIÓN es nuevo cortometraje sobre el Campamento Unist’ot’en, la bloqueada Gidimt’en y la Nación Wet’suwet’en, luchando en contra del gobierno Canadiense y la corporaciones que continúan la violencia colonial en contra de los pueblos Indígenas.
** Próximamente el largometraje **
El campamento Unist’ot’en ha sido un lucero de resistencia en los últimos 10 años. Es un espacio de curación para Indígenas y no-indígenas, y un ejemplo de decolonization. La violencia, destrucción del medio ambiente y el atropello de derechos humanos que han pasado despues de que TC Energy y Coastal Gaslink entraron a su territorio ha sido difícil de soportar !Pero esta lucha continua!
Organice una proyección de esta película.
Para más información: https://unistoten.camp/invasion
Para hacer un donativo: https://unistoten.camp/support-us/donate/
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En cette époque de « réconciliation », les territoires autochtones ne cessent d’être saisis de force. Le nouveau film INVASION porte sur la résistance du campement Unist’ot’en, du point d’accès Gidimt’en et de l’ensemble de la nation Wet’suwet’en contre la violence coloniale du gouvernement canadien et des grandes entreprises.
** La version complète du film arrive bientôt. **
Le campement Unist’ot’en joue une rôle phare dans la résistance depuis près de dix ans. Il représente un espace de guérison pour les personnes autochtones comme pour les colonisatrice-teur-s, ainsi qu’un exemple concret de décolonisation. L’injonction temporaire de TC Energy (anciennement TransCanada)/Coastal GasLink a été dévastatrice. Face à la violence, aux dommages environnementaux et au mépris des droits humains qui en ont découlé, la lutte est loin d’être terminée.
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Organize a community screening of this film!
Simply download the film here (1.3GB), make a Facebook event using this graphic, and download and print poster designed by Gord Hill and plaster around your town.
English Subtitles | Spanish subtitles | French Subtitles | Portuguese Subtitles
You can pass the hat for donations to send to the camp and hold a discussion about how people can help further Indigenous movements for self-determination. If you plan to fundraise at your screening please use the fundraising guide and let us know about your event so we can help promote it!
Unist’ot’en continues to need funds to reoccupy their lands and fight in the colonial courts.
To Donate: https://unistoten.camp/support-us/donate/
We encourage discussion after the film to encourage ongoing organizing efforts to support the Wet’suwet’en. Below are some sample questions you can use to get a discussion going:
- What is the colonial history of this region? Who occupied these lands before the establishment of the current borders & national government?
- What does anti-colonial struggle look like in this area? Are there any active anti-colonial struggles going on?
- What projects are people in this room currently engaged with that could benefit from applying more of an anti-colonial lens? What would this actually look like in practice… aside from just token acknowledgement?
- What are some of the practical things that non-Indigenous activists should know about when working with Indigenous groups, or in Indigenous-led campaigns?
- What financial institutions, politicians, or corporations based in your community are supporting the destruction of Wet’suwet’en lands?
- What are some ways of demonstrating material support for the Unis’tot’en and Wet’suwet’en? How can you support Wet’suwet’en sovereignty from your stand?
#unistoten / #wetsuwetenstrong / #wedzinkwa / #nopipelines / #invasion / #thetimeisnow / #waterislife