Unist’ot’en Day 31 Update: We’re not leaving.

We’re not leaving.

As Canada prepares to violently invade our lands, we have no fear. We are peacefully living on our lands and upholding our laws, as we always have.

31 days after Coastal Gaslink was evicted from Wet’suwet’en territory, RCMP helicopters circle the Unist’ot’en healing center several times a day.

Busloads of police have taken over local community halls, airport hangers have become RCMP training grounds, while armored pickup trucks and police dogs have been spotted in the area. Canada is preparing to use militarized force to steal our lands and destroy them, with the world as witness.

Our ancestors are with us. We will win.

These lands will always be Unist’ot’en.

#UNISTOTEN #WetsuwetenStrong

Supporter toolkit: http://unistoten.camp/supportertoolkit2020/

Legal fund: https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/unistoten2020legalfund

Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4U8NCzOkdA

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