Helicopter Spotted Over Unist’ot’en Camp

And so it begins! the skies are busy above camp today. The Construction Crew who are working on the Healing Center are constantly being interrupted by chopper activity flying overhead.

To date we know that TransCanada (with the Coastal Gas Link pipeline) as well as Chevron (with the Pacific Trails pipeline) have issued public notices stating that they intend to survey for their pipeline projects and construct service roads to the proposed pipeline Right of Ways. The BC government issued a letter about 2 months ago to the Unist´ot´en People stating that they wanted the steel gate removed from the bridge so that they can access ¨their¨ resources. Despite the Final Investment Decision for the LNG Plant facilities in Kitimat being put on hold indefinitely these pipeline companies want to force unwanted work onto the unceded lands of the Wet´suwet´en.
Doing so would be ignoring Supreme Court of Canada case law as well as (and more importantly) breaking Wet´suwet´en Laws on occupied territories.

If you had thought about coming up to offer your support please visit the Camp Registration page or if you want to help us protect these lands from Oil and Gas but cannot find the time or logistical support to physically join us please visit us at the Solidarity Page to look over ideas on ways that you can employ to join us in our fight.