Unist’ot’en Camp’s 8th Annual Action Camp!

July 12July 16, 2017

This year will mark our 8th year hosting our Annual Action Camp! This year we will be focusing on creating and facilitating a space for helping frontline people with participating and planning Health and Wellness activities in their lives. We also want to celebrate our many victories.

We are keenly aware that government and industry have colluded to hire mercenaries to ¨WEAPONIZE TRAUMA¨. They use it against Peoples who have already lived lifetimes and generations of trauma and for a variety of reasons have risen up to challenge the history of trauma used against their peoples; their lands; and their waters. We need to find ways to combat the violence perpetrated by those who are only motivated for personal gain. We choose to heal and to support each other on those paths. As a result we are inviting Healers, Health and Wellness Facilitators & Practitioners to help facilitate workshops and activities for these 5 days for the mornings and afternoons.

We are also understanding the need for frontlines to celebrate victories. As a result we are inviting musicians, and entertainers to come to our camp to help us celebrate our victories with musical performances every evening. There are many music festivals happening during that time and we would love to have festival caravans fill our evenings full of music and dance to enjoy ourselves on the unceded, occupied, and protected lands of our Wet’suwet’en Peoples.

If you are a band or performer please ensure that you contact the coordinators in advance on dates you are available to join us. The e-mails are fhuson@gmail.com and toghestiy@gmail.com. Please be sure to write in the subject line of your email ¨Action Camp Performer¨

Our locale is #drugfree and #alcoholfree.

We depend 100% on volunteers to help us coordinate and pull off these events. If you have time to come and help us prepare in advance please register at the Unist’ot’en Camp Registration page.

The theme this year is business in the front and party in the back so bring your best mullets!!

We charge $75.00 for early registration and $100.00 at the gate. This helps us cover the costs of food and supplies needed for the 5 day event. DONATE HERE

E-transfers can be sent to fhuson@gmail.com with the subject line reading “Action Camp Registration Fee”.

E-transfers must always be accompanied by a second e-mail with the answer to the security question. DO NOT provide a clue – please just write the answer.

Please go to our Registration page to fully register and also visit our website to view our documentaries and messages about our successful resistance to pipelines on our lands.

So, pack up your bags, book time off of your far too busy lives, bring your friends, bring your children/parents/grandparents, and prepare to be rejuvenated!