Spring 2023 Work Camp Wrap Up



Thank you to everyone who came from near (Hazelton, Terrace, Prince George) and far (Germany, New York, and California) and in between to join us for our spring building bonanza during Spring Work Camp 2023!

With your talents and efforts, we took down the old rotted out boiler building and have established the bones and roof of the new one. It will be better at holding snow load and shedding it, sparing our full time residents the danger of roof shoveling.

We assisted a local company with the installation of the solar array. It is now powering the entire Healing Centre and outbuildings with energy to spare, and has eliminated our need for diesel for electricity. Now the only sounds we contribute to the environment are laughter, hammers, and music. No more rumbling generator!

Folks contributed through dishwashing, cooking fabulous meals, organizing the heck out of the food storage, tool shed, and library, weeding and watering the gardens, fixing plumbing and electrical issues, and digging many a hole and trench. They don’t call it Rocks Flowing for nothing, and you all were such tough and tireless diggers and builders! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for contributing all you could and for bringing your joy and enthusiasm to the Yintah.

A cartoon summer camp style wooden sign reads "Unist'ot'en Camp SUMMER WORK PARTY AUG 14-SEPT 4 WET'SUWET'EN TERRITORIES If you've always wanted to go, this is the time! CGL is trying to push their pipeline through but you can help the Unist'ot'en push back! The Healing Centre is healing Wet'suwet'en people from trauma & substances. You can support them in their work by volunteering this summer. Work hard. Sleep under the stars. Swim in the river. Eat good food. Make new friends. HEAL THE PEOPLE. HEAL THE LAND. REGISTER AT HTTP://UNISTOTEN.CAMP/COME-TO-CAMP/ Aug 2023 www.unistoten.camp"


   Wish you could have been there? Wish you could pick up a hammer in support of Land Based Healing, Revolution, and Indigenous Sovereignty? We have great news! Our next Work Party is August 14th – Sept 4th, and you’re invited to throw down with us!

   If you’re comfortable with power tools, can cook for groups, are handy with a sawmill or chainsaw, are a darn good dishwasher, skilled tradesperson, medic, or massage therapist, or are otherwise willing to work hard and get your hands dirty for the cause, we want to see you on the Yintah in August! Come sleep under the stars, cool down in the clear cold waters of the Wedzin Kwah, and meet new radical friends from all walks of life.

   We will be finishing the boiler building, starting the new woodshed for Freda’s cabin and the main water supply, staining and painting the Healing Centre, and tidying up the camp to get ready for winter to return.

   Before applying to come to camp, we ask that you read the preparing for your visit page on the website and pay attention to the consent guidelines and guidelines for behaviour. Behaviour going against the guidelines will not be tolerated.

   After reading the above page, we welcome you to register here!

   Can’t go but wish to contribute? Share our posts, talk to your friends, and consider making a donation via the donation page or donate straight to the Work Party Grocery and Supply Fund by sending an etransfer to unistoten.village AT gmail.com.

   See you on the Yintah!