Broken Promises: CGL, RCMP Block Unist’ot’en Matriarch from Accessing Land, Violate Wildlife Act

Coastal GasLink continues to bulldoze our trap lines and destroy our land, pushing Wet’suwet’en people aside with support from the RCMP. The destruction of our trap lines is a direct threat to the programming of our Healing Centre and the wellness of our clients. We know from our oral histories that this area, now being destroyed for a CGL man camp, has been used by our trappers for thousands of years.

To date, Coastal GasLink has still not undertaken proper consultation or made any agreement with our Hereditary Chiefs. We do not consent to any aspect of this project. We have notified CGL that they are in violation of the Wildlife Act, but they continue to deny us access and destroy our traps.

Under the threat of imminent police violence, our Chiefs reached an agreement with the RCMP to comply with CGL’s temporary injunction. That agreement states “there will not be any RCMP interference with our members regarding access to the territory for the purposes of trapping and/or other traditional practices.”

Now, our trappers are being told they face arrest if they attempt to access their traplines, while CGL bulldozers are being permitted to plow through them.

In this video, Unist’ot’en member Brenda Michell speaks to CGL contractors and RCMP. RCMP Officer Cook is seen consulting with CGL employees before threatening Michell with arrest.

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